Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Soundpeats M-10 in-ear headphones

Okay you have to admit; metal anything means instant rock and roll.  You don’t see murdering clowns chopping up people with plastic chainsaws, biker guys don’t have plastic chains attached to their wallets, and it’s certainly never a “full plastic jacket” in fun and fabulous colors…
So, it stands to reason, then that the Soundpeats metal in-ear headphones just scream “don’t mess with me” don’t you think?  Or, at least, “don’t mess with my lobes…they mean business.”

The business:  
Packaging:  Pretty basic plastic box with a clear visual of the earbuds inside.  Nothing fancy here, but if you spend any time on my blog, you know I get really excited when I get a carrying case with my headphones.  It’s not about the box though; the box is going in the trash.  It’s about the phones, so let’s move on. 
Don't judge your book by the they say.

Extras:  You get small, medium and large ear tips.  You may have to play with these a little bit.  Usually, I am a medium tip, but this time, I needed small in order to get a good fit.  The tips are soft, but not as soft as I have gotten with other earbuds.  Comfortable though and fully closed not semi-closed or finned), making for a more isolated sound. 

I love me some extras, but when the headphones are nice, its not always about the stuff.  Okay, I love the cases.  When they come with cases, I get giddy like a little fat girl in a candy store. Just not gonna lie...

The cord is flat instead of round, and a nice feeling rubber with no wire noise when it rubs on your clothes.  I like how the flat cord fit into the earbuds themselves, it feels very sturdy and looks very clean.  Also, where it splits off at the Y in the cord, it is a small connection, but seems very sturdy at that point as well.  The cord feels good at the accessory button area; however, I also look for a sturdier connection here, since you fiddle with this spot a lot, more than at the Y-branch area I think, when answering your phone, skipping songs or (on some models) volume.  I feel like there needs to be a bit more reinforcement here, especially at the top of the accessory button, going to the right earbud.

Okay, they didn't actually come with all that dust.  I review in a house with pets...and men.  Ignore the dust part. 

I want to put in there that the accessory button is very simple.  There is only 1 small button here that will allow you to answer an incoming call.  If not on a call, you can pause and play with 1 click.  Two  quick clicks will allow you to skip a song. 

The buds themselves are heavy.  Hardcore heavy metal is…heavy.  This brings be back to the fact that I needed the smaller ear tips.  Being able to insert them a little deeper in the ear canal kept the heavier earbuds in place.  Another little trick is to have the wire pointing upwards, so you can wrap the wire around and behind the ear to take the pressure off a bit.  It sounds like they are 40 pounds when I mention this—not at all; however, you will notice a difference between the weight of these and lighter wood or plastic buds. 

Sound:  With the right sized buds, they are sound isolating and the sound is surprisingly clear and balanced for such inexpensive headphones.   Really pleasant to listen to, not too much bass, but not too little.  Really a nice, even, balanced sound.  No crackles, no skips, no wire noise.  They are a pleasant surprise for such an inexpensive pair of headphones

I would recommend these to someone looking for something cheap and decent.  They feel “richer” than a lot of headphones in the same price range.  A little heavy to wear, but with the metal buds, wearing the wire over your ears helps.  The sounds is good, they are durable, the connections are good, simple function—they do what they are made to do and they do it rather well for the money.  

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